Enchanted with Elegance 

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За регионаПавел Баня

Павел Баня е разположена в средата на Розовата долина – между Казанлък и Карлово. Градът е до Стара планина и едновреммено с това и в полите на средна гора. Павел баня е с удобна локация спрямо всички райони на страната. Градът е балнео лечебен курорт с традиции. Разкриването на минералните води започва в началото на двайсти век. От едемдесетте години се развива спектъра от процедури с минералната вода. Днес курортът множество лечебни процедури минералната вода в областта от болести на опорно-двигателния апарат. От 1978 г. Павел баня е град и административен център на едноимената община.

Pavel Banya RegionTraditions & Celebrations

In Pavel Banya,  traditions have been preserved from the distant past. The city is located in the Valley of Roses, which was once the center of ancient civilizations - Thracians, Romans, Slavs, proto-Bulgarians - and all of them left their mark.

Visiting Pavel Banya, tourists will get acquainted with various local rituals, many of which are characteristic only for this region of Bulgaria.

Минералните води в България са с различно съдържание, т.е. отговарят на определени параметри, които определят приоритетните незоологични единици, ’’панела” на заболяванията, подходящи за повлияване в съответния балнеокурорт.

Разбира се Павел баня не прави изключение в това отношение. Тук минералната вода се характеризира със слаба минерализация, респективно ниско количество сухо вещество на литър (около 2гр.) и хипертермалност – 57-59 градуса температура на водата при извора. Тя е, най-общо, хидрокарбонатна, мета- силициева, радонова и флуорна.

Подходяща за лечение на:

  • болести на опорно-двигателния апарат с известен приоритет на вертеброгенните и тези на междупрешлениите дискове. 
  • дегенеративните ставни заболявания
  • заболявания на периферната нервна система (тук имаме пред вид моно и полирадикулопатии и състояния след полиневропатии с различна, но конкретна ети- ология - диабетна, токсична и пр.).

В по-малка степен можем да включим незоологични единици от централната нервна система-моно-,хеми- и квадрипа- ретични състояния след съдови инциденти, извън рисковите периоди; черепно-мозъчни и гръбначномозъчни травми и др. Една немалка група са болестите от рубриката на ревматологията: реактивни, ревматични, подагрени и псориатрични артрити; анкилозиращия спондилартрит и др. Не на последно място споменаваме и посттравматичните състояния, които приемаме за вторична рехабилитация/ след първоначален цикъл на болнична такава/.

Съчетанието на минералната вода, различните видове преформирани фактори, цялата палитра от кинезитерапевтични методики, някои топлинни процедури – всичко това във съвременен вариант, ни дава възможността да заявим, че разполагаме с пълен обем рехабилитационни мерки, необходими за адекватнотното въздействие при горепосочените заболявания.

Пред вид ограничените възможности на медикаментозната терапия, неизбежния оперативен риск и липсата на гаранции за успеха при оперативните интервенции/особено при болестите на между-прешленните дискове/, можем да отбележим една висока степен на повлияване на състоянието на пациентите и то в различните им стадии. При някои от тях това повлияване достига до 80%. Разбира се 100%-ова успеваемост е невъзможна, но това важи и за останалите методики от другите направления в медицината.

За да сме максимално точни, трябва да отбележим, че има някои основни противопоказания за лечение в балнеокурорта, а именно онкологични заболявания; остри възпалителни болести; изразени сърдечно-съдови болести, психични болести, дори и в ремисия и недобре компенсирани болести на ендокринната и централната нервна с-ми.

Съставил: д-р Мирослав Минев, балнеохотел ДИАНА МАР, Павел баня

Epiphany Day

The first major Christian feast (January 6)

In the town of Pavel Banya, the celebration of Epiphany day begins with a festive Holy Liturgy celebrated by Father of the local  Church "Nativity of the Virgin Mary" and continues with a Lithia procession to the Tundzha River bridge. Boys jump in to retrieve the cross from the icy waters of the river. It is believed that whoever pulls it out is lucky and healthy throughout the year. Epiphany /Jordanovden/ is the third most important Christian feast of the year. On this day, Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River by Joan the Baptist.

According to popular belief, on the night before the Epiphany, the sky opens and anyone who sees it will receive from God what they wish for. It is also believed that then the water stops, it is purified, after which it acquires great power. If the cross thrown into the water freezes, it portends health and great prosperity. If the weather is cold and dry, it is taken as a sign of a fertile and good year. Finally, the priest sprinkles people with a bunch of basil for health.

Sirni Zagovezni

End of February

The Kuker custom in our lands dates back to more than 8,000 years ago. Among the Thracians, it was celebrated during the days of the Thracian god of gaiety Dionysius and the welcoming of their New Year during "Sirni Zagovezni" or the so-called agricultural new year, connected with the plowing of the fields. Passed down from generation to generation, centuries in a row, this old custom has reached us.

Kuker games are a colorful, spirited pre-spring folk custom.

In all settlements of the Municipality of Pavel Banya, this holiday is held during the Cheese Week and the local population calls it the "Carnival", and the kukers are called "Old Men".

The Kukers dress in a mixture of men's and women's clothes and scary masks, hang bells and clappers, and carry swords/sticks to frighten and drive away the barren winter and evil spirits and ogres, so that spring will come and be fertile .

The Kuker Carnival is a joyful celebration, the meaning of which is to recreate the past and bring people together for joy and merriment.

Palm Sunday and Lazarus Saturday

Sunday before Easter
10.04.2022 / 16.04.2022

Palm Sunday and Lazarus Day are holidays that bring the breath and revitalizing power of spring and the beauty of the first flowers. Each year they precede the week before Easter, as Lazarus Day is always celebrated on a Saturday and Palm Sunday on a Sunday. These are holidays associated with health and longevity, prosperity and fertility. On LAZAROV DAY, little girls and unmarried women, in festive costumes, with wreaths of spring flowers and baskets in their hands, go around the houses and streets of Pavel Banya, playing and singing Lazarus songs about love, fertility, health and well-being. The hosts give them eggs and small money. It is believed that a home where lazarkas were sung and played will enjoy health and prosperity throughout the year. The next day - Tsvetnitsa /Vrabnitsa/ a prayer is held in the church and willow branches are blessed. They are distributed to the faithful and everyone takes them home for health. The gates are decorated with willow branches and a wreath is woven from the willow consecrated in the church. The willow branches symbolize the palm trees with which Jesus Christ was welcomed in Jerusalem.


24.04.2022 г.

This is the brightest Christian feast . Preparation for its celebration begins in the week before Easter, called Holy Week. There is excitement in every house - cleaning and decluttering begin in the homes, giving it a symbolically purifying character - it is done for health. The gardens are colored with spring flowers, the sidewalks are painted white... The eggs are then painted, and on Saturday the ritual Easter bread is kneaded and baked... During the Easter holidays, concerts, Easter exhibitions and competitions are held in Pavel Banya.

Rose and Mineral water Festival Pavel banya

Second week of June

For the first time, it was in Pavel Banya that the National Rose Festival was held back in 1966. The tradition was revived in 2005. and since then, the Municipality of Pavel Banya organizes an annual 4-day celebration at the beginning of June under the patronage of the Mayor of the municipality. The holiday begins with a parade through the streets of the city, with songs and dances of the participants of the International Folklore Festival. The highlight of the festivities is the selection of Queen of Roses, which takes the form of a grand spectacle with the participation of famous performers and dance formations. This is followed by the election of the King of the Mineral Water in an attractive show, accompanied by various contests, contests and games... The celebration ends with the presentation of the rose bush ritual, as well as carnival games with the participation of “Kuker”  groups from the municipality.

Christmas and New Year's Eve in Pavel Banya

December 20-26

The biggest holidays celebrated by Bulgarians are undoubtedly Christmas and Easter - this is the time when the whole family gathers, several generations celebrate together, united by the feeling of belonging to the healthy Bulgarian family.

By tradition, every year on Christmas day, Pavel Banya welcomes its carolers on the square in the  town. The event is hosted by the municipality of Pavel Banya, which is preparing a treat for all those attending the festival who came to share the spirit of Christmas and revive Bulgarian traditions.

New Year's festivities begin with a light show and the lighting off the Christmas lights. The central part of the resort town resounded with the folk rhythms of the Pavelban orchestra "Mineral Spring".

The "Detelini" Dance Ensemble - Pavel Banya is also included in the Christmas and New Year holidays. The Detelini concert opens with the impressive dance "Pavelban carols", to which the audience does not remain indifferent. "Clovers" always manage to get the Pavelban audience on their feet, who never stop applauding their performances.
